Company details
wendekinder facility solutions
Am Panke-Park 25
16321 Bernau bei Berlin
business park | Bernau, Rüdnitzer Chaussee |
Managing Director | Herr Erik Dobberfuhl |
Contact Person | Herr Dobberfuhl |
conference language | deutsch / englisch |
phone | 03338 - 6792710 |
fax | 03338 - 6792709 |
internet | |
kontakt@ | |
Contact At this point, you can send a request or a message to the selected company. | |
number of employees |
salaried employees: 4 |
founding year | 2019 |
legal form | GmbH |
Sales in thousands of EURO | 250000 |
profileInformation in german | Im Kreis Barnim, Märkisch Oderland, Berlin Pankow, Berlin Reinickendorf bieten wir unsere Dienste im Bereich der technischen Gebäudebetreuung an und vermieten unsere technische Ausstattung. |
ProductsInformation in german |
credentialsInformation in german | auf Anfrage |
Nacecode | Real estate, renting and business activities |
Nacecode | Other community, social and personal service activities |
Nacecode | Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply |
Nacecode | Other business activities |
Nacecode | Forestry, logging and related service activities |
offersInformation in german |
Last edit: 18.10.2021 / 02:37:24
editor: Dobberfuhl, wendekinder facility solutions