
Company details

Steffen GmbH, Layout + Druck + Verlag + Logistik

Mühlenstraße 72
17098 Friedland

Logo Steffen GmbH, Layout + Druck + Verlag + Logistik
Managing DirectorHerr Sven Steffen
Contact PersonHerr Sven Steffen
conference languagedeutsch


At this point, you can send a request or a message to the selected company.

number of employees salaried employees: 32
founding year1902
legal formGmbH
commercial registerHRB 2928
District CourtNeubrandenburg
Sales in thousands of EURO3586
Date entry13.02.2006
profileInformation in german

Layout, Druck, Web, Verlag, Logistik

membershipsInformation in german

Handwerkskammer Neubrandenburg, IHK Neubrandenburg, Verband Druck + Medien, RWI, Junghandwerkerverein

certificatesInformation in german

DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001

credentialsInformation in german

Webasto AG, HOBAS GmbH, Creditreform, IKK MV,AOK MV, IHK, Amazon, REMONDIS, Raiffeisenbank ...

Nacecode Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media
offersInformation in german

Layout, Druck, Web, Verlag, Logistik - mehr unter

requestsInformation in german

wirtschaftliche Kooperationen in Richtung Polen (Auftragsfertigung, Lohnveredlung)

Last edit: 08.09.2015 / 12:04:15

editor: Jenny Them, SBC Service- und BeratungsCentrum der POMERANIA