Company details
Kreisvolkshochschule Uckermark
Brüssower Allee 48
17291 Prenzlau
Managing Director | Frau Jeannette Stockmann de Caro |
conference language | deutsch / englisch |
phone | 03984 2551 |
fax | 03984 2849 |
internet | |
info@ | |
Contact At this point, you can send a request or a message to the selected company. | |
number of employees |
salaried employees: 9 |
founding year | 1994 |
legal form | öffentl. Einrichtg. |
Date entry | 15.07.1999 |
profile | Organisation and Implementation of further education events for adults in the field of general, professional, cultural and political education; subject-specific further education for farmers in the districts Uckermark and Barnim; education counselling, company schooling |
Im-/export | Poland |
certificates | From the State of Brandenburg according to the law of further education acknowledged further-education-institution |
Nacecode | Other service activities |
Nacecode | Education |
offers | Further education concepts in following fields: Politics, society, environment, cultur and artistic design; health education, languages, work and profession, school diplomas and elementary education, agriculture |
requests | Further education strategies, contacts to companies with need of further education for their employees |
Besonderes: zur Zeit verstärkte Organisation von Polnischsprachkursen in Zusammenarbeit mit der POMEBesonderes: zur Zeit verstärkte Organisation von Polnischsprachkursen in Zusammenarbeit mit der POMERANIA |
Last edit: 18.07.2017 / 10:14:37
editor: Przemysław Jackowski, SBC Schwedt/Oder