Company details
Brauerstraße 11
16321 Bernau bei Berlin
conference language | deutsch |
phone | 03338 764955 |
fax | 03338 764955 |
number of employees | |
founding year | 1996 |
legal form | Einzelunternehmen |
Date entry | 04.09.2003 |
profileInformation in german |
membershipsInformation in german | Handwerkskammer Frankfurt/O. |
Nacecode | Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of personal and household goods |
Nacecode | Other service activities |
Barnimer Branchen | Gesundheitswirtschaft |
offersInformation in german |
Last edit: 26.07.2021 / 12:23:35
editor: Wirtschaftsförderung, WITO Wirtschafts- und Tourismusentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH des Landkreises Barnim