Company details
Ingenieurbüro Lipka
Labahnstraße 12
17424 Gemeinde Ostseebad Heringsdorf / OT Ahlbeck
Office of | Seebad Heringsdorf |
Contact Person | Frau Lipka |
conference language | deutsch / englisch |
phone | 038378/336492 |
fax | 038378/336492 |
ingbuerolipka@ | |
Contact At this point, you can send a request or a message to the selected company. | |
number of employees |
salaried employees: 1 |
founding year | 2007 |
legal form | Freiberufler |
tax number | 852450104 |
Sales in thousands of EURO | 30 |
Date entry | 02.07.2009 |
profileInformation in german | Konstruktion und Statik für den Aluminium-Glas-Bau, Metallbau und Stahlbau, Glasstatik |
ProductsInformation in german | Ingenieurleistung |
certificatesInformation in german | Schweißfachingenieur |
credentials | Seabridge in Heringsdorf / Bridgeheadrestaurant |
Nacecode | Research and development |
offersInformation in german | Ingenieurleistung, Planung, Konatruktion, Statik, Glasstatik |
requests | Window-Door-Facade-Producer, Architect |
Last edit: 06.08.2015 / 07:23:01
editor: Oliver Pielmann, SBC Service-und Beratungscentrum der POMERANIA