
Company details

Elektro Albert GmbH

Gewerbepark Süd 1
17268 Milmersdorf

Managing DirectorHerr Albrecht Jabs
Contact PersonHerr Albrecht Jabs
conference languagekeine Angabe
phone0049 39886 34390
fax0049 39886 343910


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number of employees salaried employees: 20
founding year1993
legal formEinzelunternehmen
commercial register34403
tax numberDE232630385
Sales in thousands of EURO1200
Date entry28.06.1999

We are a handcraft business, which deals with the building and maintenance of electro-systems. Our special field is the building utility distribution system, EIB-bus systems, light control, light regulation, structured building cabling, photovoltaics installations, heat pumps, block power heating systems, alarm- and monitoring systems.



Nacecode Other service activities
Nacecode Construction

Experience in the field of EIB-control systems


building utility distribution system


light control and -regulation


Producer and supplyer of photovoltaics installations, heat pumps, block power heating station and room ventilation installations; Cooperation and developpment in the field of building utility distribution systems, facility-management; Producer and partner for structured wiring(computer networks, LWL)

Last edit: 17.11.2015 / 08:25:47

editor: Przemysław Jackowski, SBC Schwedt/Oder