Company details
CCN computer communication networks
Karthausstr. 12
16303 Schwedt/Oder

Managing Director | Herr Dipl.-Inform. Georg Richter |
conference language | deutsch |
phone | +49 3332 - 45 25 30 |
fax | +49 3332 - 45 25 55 |
internet | |
info@ | |
Contact At this point, you can send a request or a message to the selected company. | |
number of employees |
salaried employees: 10 |
founding year | 1996 |
legal form | Personengesellschaft |
District Court | Schwedt |
Sales in thousands of EURO | 750 |
Date entry | 25.08.2003 |
profileInformation in german | CCN Computer Systemhaus – Ihr Partner für moderne Leistungen der Informationstechnologie. Effizient und sicher. Von der Planung über die Installation bis hin zur Wartung und Instandhaltung Ihres gesamten IT- Systems. Dabei installieren wir die komplette Hardware, liefern kompetent betriebswirtschaftliche Software und bringen Sie ins Internet. Ein kompetenter Partner für Ihre gesamte IT- Infrastruktur über die gesamte Lebensdauer Ihrer EDV- Anlage .
Im-/export | Poland |
memberships | ICC Frankfurt; ICC-acknowledged vocational training center |
credentials | PCK Raffinerie (refinery) GmbH Schwedt (Internet/Intranet); Klinikum Uckermark (Netzwerk, Hardware); Leipa Papier Schwedt (Netzwerk); Lebenshilfe Kreisverband (Life counselling Administrative Association) Uckermark (Software); AWO Kreisverband Schwedt (Soft- und Hardware, Internet); Industrielle Beschichtung (Industrial Coating) GmbH (Software); Landkreis Oberhavel (equipment in schools) |
Nacecode | Other business activities |
Nacecode | Manufacture of office machinery and computers |
Nacecode | Computer and related activities |
offers | - counsel, implementation and service for complete EDP-environment,service on-site; - counsel, planning and installation of network systems based on Microsoft Windows and Linux; - Installation of complete data networks according to category 6 with twisted pair copper cable or fibre optics cable; - counsel, trade and service for PC-technology, office technology and telephone technology, also for systems with foreign software; - sale and care of business software in the areas handicraft, Commerce, Industry and Public Authorities with products of SBS Software, Moser Software, Tobit Software and diverse special offerers; - marketing, planning, design and promotion of web pages and the accompanying provider services, like Webspace und Webserver Hosting; - customer specific programming for Office-Areas, databanks as well as for internet applications |
Last edit: 12.05.2016 / 05:43:20
editor: Georg Richter, CCN computer communication networks